Gang Violence Reduction Strategy
Community Intervention Model
The CIM Project works with gang-affiliated youth between the ages of 15 and 30 across Central and Northern Saskatchewan who have been assessed as at high-risk to reoffend by the SPRA or LSI-SK assessment tools. The project is run out of both the Saskatoon and Prince Albert offices.
About the program
CIM Participants work through an individualized program over the course of four years with their CIM Outreach Worker. The objective of the CIM Project is to reduce contact with the Justice System and increase contact with Education and Employment. CIM Participants have the opportunity to transition to STR8 UP Membership as they move through the CIM Project.
This program is for people who:
- Live anywhere in Central and Northern Saskatchewan
- Need support to transition out of gang life, gain employment or go back to school
- Are between the ages of 15 and 30 years old
- Have been assessed as at high-risk to reoffend by the SPRA or LSI-SK
Want more info? Get in touch:
If you have any questions about the program or know someone who would like to be referred to the CIM Project please contact the Program Manager at (306) 244-1771 or email chantel.huel@str8-up.ca.
226 Ave V South
(306) 244-1771
Prince ALbert
#9 11th Street West
(306) 763-3001
Phase 1
Relentless Outreach and Stabilization
During this phase STR8 UP reaches out to participants that have been referred to the project, begins the process of developing a relationship of trust with the CIM Participant. CIM Outreach Workers begin connecting CIM Participants with supports and services already available in the community as well as any internal STR8 UP programming they are ready to attend.
During this Phase CIM Participants often need support with the following:
- Getting ID, a Bank Account, Release Plans
- Stable Housing Situation
- Family doctor or medical support, Counselling
- Concrete steps in addressing addictions (Inpatient/Outpatient treatment, addiction counselor etc.)
- Some form of Income or Income Assistance
- The conditions of membership with STR8 UP
Phase 2
Phase 2 provides CIM Participants with opportunities to build positive relationships with themselves, the larger community, and their higher power. They will begin working through STR8 UP 101: Find Out, Deal With It, Let it Go educational material, and they will have the benefit of their dedicated CIM Outreach Worker, STR8 UP Helpers, Lived-Experience Mentors, and Members. CIM Participants are also supported to build healthy and positive relationships with other agencies, service providers, and individuals in the community, and to take advantage of employment and educational opportunities. Phase 2 of the CIM Project is the equivalent of the Transformation and Transition Phases of STR8 UP.
The wrap around support of Phase 2 creates a solid network of support for CIM Participants to succeed outside and beyond STR8 UP. This healing process starts with the self and moves outward. Successful reintegration into the community requires an ability to form relationships with a variety of people. Success in the current workplace requires the soft skills of working with a variety of people from different backgrounds. CIM Participants may or may not have yet met the requirements for STR8 UP Membership but they are actively working towards it during this Phase.
Phase 3
Support and Sustainment
During Phase 3 CIM Participants are given reduced but sustained support to maintain the changes they have made in their lives. During this Phase CIM Participants have developed improved life and employment skills or are in school.
CIM Participants in Phase 3 have completed all of the materials in STR8 UP 101: Find Out, Deal With It, Let it Go, are maintaining their sobriety, working on career and employment goals, paying their bills and are responsible citizens. Phase 3 is equivalent to STR8 UP’s Stabilization Phase.