Our Impact
Our impact is evident in each life transformed and how those lives impact their families and communities. We are creating a positive ripple effect in the city of Saskatoon and the Province of Saskatchewan.
STR8 UP Fundamentally believes that:
- Communities need to work with people where they are at
- Recovering gang members must make the decision and accept the responsibility of their personal transformation
- STR8 UP does not walk in front to lead, or behind to direct, but rather, walks beside to support
- Transformation is accomplished through relationships of respect, humility, honesty, and forgiveness.
Consistent Support
STR8 UP consistently assists over 400 individuals each year.
Supports for a new life
STR8 UP provides 16,000 supports/services each year to individuals working to leave the gang street criminal lifestyle.
Addiction programs
STR8 UP provides 100 addiction referrals and 1000 addictions supports each year.
Member impact story: Reflection
“The values taught by STR8 UP helped me a lot. Having compassion and patience are two things I still struggle with. But without practice I wouldn’t be sober to this day. My children help me with being humble, even though I see a lot of their struggles, but we do it as a team and that’s what I have learned from being involved in STR8 UP. There is hope in it and I can feel it.”